Monday, May 12, 2008
Im bz right now
The New Love Of My Life - Putri Sophia Parker
I met her 3 weeks ago at Damansara Jaya. We met by surprise n I dreamed of her for so long but i didn't have the chance to know her very well. I ask everybody bout her n they all said that she is nice n pretty,n I wouldn't regret making her mine.For the last 2 month I've been doing research on her,digging every info I could find bout her..I want to know everything...n I mean everything so that when she is mine I can make her feel special.Perghh...aku memang dh angau dah ngn die....every second I keep thinkin bout to approach to communicate with to hold her soft hands...
Semue org ckp rugi if I let her go..juz go get aku takut..xde confident..aku takut nti after aku dh dpt die takut aku tak terjage die..n aku takut aku akan menyesal...Lots of my fren keep convincing me that I wont be regret..the only thing I will regret is dat aku lepaskn die cmtu jek...Kawan-kawan aku sme dh janji nk tolong aku..yeahh..they rely help me a lot...mcm2 yg aku dpt tau pasal die...So? ape lg yg aku tunggu?
Hmm..I'm juz waiting for the rite time n moment...aku xnk kecoh-kecoh n gopoh-gopoh...juz rilex cool n stay cool....hehehe...
So..bile mase yg sesuai aku akan dapatkn die.."haihh..when is the rite time?how long r u gonna wait?"kawan aku Shelly tanye..."If u make up ur mine call me..I'll help u out!"...hmm shelly plak yg xsabar2...rilek r..
Sehari sebelom cuti hari pekerja...aku duk kt ofis...keep thinkin bout the rite moment..esok cuti..hmm..dah-dah..aku dh nekad!!esok aku nk daptkn die..xkire r..aku pon anta message kt shelly!ewah2..ske plak minah nih...upe2nye die dh setkn meeting point aku ngn die...erkk?alamakkk...forgot to tell her name r...her name is Putri Sophia Parker.*Ehem*Ehem*die mix....hehhehe..ok2 back to shelly..die dh berpakat ngn Tony to meet me up wit putri esok kt Damansara Jaya, near KDU COllege.Hish..berdebar plak aku nk g jmpe putri...
So esok b4 aku bertolak pegi KDU College, aku msg shelly bgtau die aku nk gerak dh...ALAaaaaa..minah ni betul r..she said she not gonna make it..she ask me to call tony..erm ok r..die pon wish aku good luck..Mse tgh drive nih kepale aku pk mcm2 nasib baik aku slamat smpai kat KDU College tuh..aku pon call Tony.."Tuutt..tuttt.....tutt..tuuttt..hello?"tony r tuh yg jawap..nih turn aku plak ckp,"ay tony,im here already ma..where d hell r u?"..n jeng....jeng..jneg...jawapan yg paling menyakitkn ati.."Owhh..sowi2...cud u wait 4 a moment?Im eating my bekfes!"ceh..dh pukul 11am bru nk bekfes...hmm..semalam sure pegi clubbin nyer mamat trpakse r aku tunggu...hishh..bley plak die g bekfes ngn putri aku..erkk?lpa plak..bukn akunyer lg r...hehhehe...
Finally..the time has come..ermerm..berdebar2 nih...tony dh smpai n he is bringing Putri with him..gosh..she is beautiful...erm let me describe her..beautiful, sexy slim body..aouch!its hot...smooth curve..damn..she is killing me..tony introduce me to her...
OMG..OMG..I'm freaking out..I'm touching her hand!im touching her hand...hahhaa..aahh..her hand are soo soft..smooth..( I sound like a pervert? la..if u meet her u also feel like this!)
Then suddenly,my brain got overload n boom!I came out from my mouth spontaneously "I wan u 2 b mine!"I said it to her..its our first time meeting n I said like that to her?am I dumb or what?Surprisingly..she juz stay there I juz take her hand n leave...owhh..I left tony behind..hahhaha..don wan him to be kaco daun..n now..I'm hepy with her..I rely love her soo damn much..its been a long time since I fall in love last time....back then I fall in love with my Sony ericsson W810i walkman phone but now I have a new love Sony PSP...I love u Puteri Sophia Parker...
Friday, May 09, 2008
Iron man
Yahooooo!! Finally I got to see Iron Man semalam..hehehee..abis je office hour aku pon rush pergi ke MidValley...Office hour abis kul 530, iron man kul 620..s*It...memang rush gile babi r..dh r xpe...ape susah?LRT ade...hehehe...
Arrive at MidVal at 645..alaaamak..mati r aku..dh stat dah cite iron man aku...n plg cedih cian kt dk kecik..kne tunggu aku sorng2..ish2...showiieee....
Smpai2 je aku pon tru berlari towards popcorn n no coke...aku rela xminum air drp terlepas Iron masuk2 je tgk xstat lg..yeahh!!!bagus..bagus...
GSC ni cam tau2 je aku lmbt n siap tunggu aku smpai bru die nk roll cite tuh..hehhehe....
Ermm..ok2.bout the synopsis...i juz skip it k?lets juz pretend that we all know about iron man..for those who don't..consider yourself lame! hahaha..juz kidding..
Skip the synopsis n straight to the review....
At first i was thinking that this movie will just be like the rest of others comics brought to life movies...awesome trailer but stinky know wut i mean...Amazingly..this movie keep me sitting quietly with its action and cool effects...It was wayyyyy to cool n i bet all the guys in the cinema are dying to be iron man.
Robert Downey Jr. has done a great job in portraying as Tony Stark/Iron Man in every aspect of Tony's life! From his playboy lifestyles, his jokes, his career, Downey played all the part very well...The director, Jon Favreau also has done a great job, slipping some humor in the movie...u got to see the scene where tony first tested his mark2 suit.
And like always, Stan lee himself also appeared in the movie..juz keep ur eyes open for him..hehehe...
Gwyneth Paltrow stars as Virginia 'Pepper' Potts the loyal secretary for Tony..While Jeff Bridges plays Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger aka the Villain...Obadiah steals the original iron man design from which Stark created when he was taken prisoner by Raza the leader of The Ten Rings who order him to create the "Jericho Missile" cluster bomb.Obadiah then recreated a new version of the armor and become The Iron Monger. From the look of it, it is bigger and stronger than Stark iron man armor.Obadiah modified it to become the ultimate weapon.
Guess what?
Robert Downey Jr. Confirmed For Iron Man Sequel
Yahooo!!Another great movie is coming...owh is some tips...don't leave the cinema until all the credits are finish..there is a short clip at the end..juz stay there and quiet..yesterday nearly all the audience have left the cinema except for me and dk kecik(which i force to stay), 2 couple, and a row of guyz...and at last, the clip appeared....Samuel L Jackson appeared as Nick Furry, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D saying that tony has become a part of a larger universe and an upcoming project called The that is something!! i expect that in the upcoming Iron Man, there might be Ant-Man,Thor,Wasp, and of course....Captain America..since they are the originals Avengers...and Terrence Howard might become as War Machine.Here's more info on Iron Man at IMDB
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
MaXShit Broadband
MaxshitBB sucks! I registered for maxShitBB at the curve when they have a promotion there like a week ago...Registration only cost 100bucks on that day. I was thinking of getting a wireless broadband n I just go for it even though I know that from many of the subscribers complained that the service is such a let down. So I thought maybe I give it a try since I live in a HSDPA area...
The promoter said the activation will took about 24H but it took longer than that...It took 3days for the activation to complete to enable me to log on to the internet..Finally i log on to the internet but i was frustrated...
The speed is unbelievable slow! I remember that dial-up was faster than this...The connection says that its connected on HSDPA...but the speed is around 100kbps..i cant even sign in into YM! or MSN Live...not to mention downloading attachments from my email which takes ages to complete...Arghhhh!!stupid maxShitBB...Its my first run on the MaxshitBB and i didn't get 3.6Mbps? (owh yeah..i subscribe the power package)
The connection is also not get disconnected a lot..n when it reconnect, the connection is on EDGE..WTF..i didn't subscribe MaxShitBB to use EDGE!!FCuK!
Imagine being stuck with this FCukin MaxShit for in hell!hahaha....but then...a hope came down from the heaven..n it shines soo bright that i cried in happiness...MaxShit has pull back the 18months now i cn terminate this FCukin Broadband....
Better if i subscribe Screamyx..what choice do i have?There a also a lot of complaint on Screamyx, but the connection and speed is better than MaxShitBB...n at least i can download torrents or wutever there is to download....On MaxShit?nope..u can't download any torrent..funny how the promoter said that he can download using torrent with MaxShitBB...hahaa...cheapAsS!
So...if u thinking of getting a wireless broadband, think twice or get info from the existing subcribers...
Labels: Maxis, Wireless Broadband