Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Download Day 2008

Download Day 2008

Its a once in a life time opportunity! Sape2 yg nk masuk Guiness Book of Records inilah masenyer!! its easy and every1 can do it! Interested?

Mozilla Firefox is trying to set a world records with the most downloaded software in 24Hours. All you have to do is download the new Firefox 3 during the Download Day which is today...well since we are early a day from them, it shud start at noon. Then your name will be placed in the Guiness Book of Records...Its easy right? You dont need to squirt milk from ur eye or breaking bricks with your forehead or burned yourself in an attempt to break a world record...u juz simply dowload it...

How? Easy! juz click here! or u can just click the button above and pledge to download firefox3 on download day. Currently Malaysia have 8177 pledges and counting! So what are u waiting for? Start pledging now!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Metal gear Solid 4 Limited Edition PSP

In conjunction with the release of the new METAL GEAR SOLID 4, im also releasing my own metal gear solid 4 limited edition psp..hahhaha...hmm sedikit kekecewaan berlaku semase menempahnyer...sepatutnyer,mengikut imaginasi artist its supposed to look like this...

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but when it arrive...haiii...lain drp ape yg di minta..tp atleast aku still puas ati! ye la.design aku,psp aku, mane taknyer...xde org ade psp cam aku..haha3..nilah rupe psp aku skrg...dh jd psp version Metal Gear Solid 4 dah..hahahha..puas ati..puas ati...hhehehehe....patut kah aku tebuk yg kt balakng tuh bia die nmpk silver ring mcm imaginasi artist atau bia kn seperti gamba dibawah?

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gamers Fantasy

Every gamers sure dream of having a hot, sexy gurl who plays games as their gf...n guess what?

She really exist!!

She's hot....

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She's sexy.....

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She plays video games...

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She's on GTA:IV...

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N of coz! My favourite....

She licks PSP!!!

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plus!she also will have her own manga style action figures...Apparently the folks at Southern Island were so enamored with the real Chobot when they met her at Comic Con, they decided they needed to make a couple of little statues of her. Each of the statues, designed by Kerry Shyver, will be sold as limited edition 500-piece runs. The foot-high statues will be hand numbered, but will not feature any licking... instead she will be nibbling on a 360 controller.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fuel price again...

~So it seems that the new fuel price will be effective 2day..n thanks to that..i stuck in the jam for 2hours yesterday!every1 rushing to the gas station to fill their final fuel for 1.92bucks a liter....Later in august, the goverment will increase the fuel price again! n i heard that there will be no more subsidy for fuel in august!
When evry1 in the nation are worried about all the price will rise, Pak Lah calmly give a very very very good advice.

"In order to face the increase of fuel price, we must change our lifestyles"

Yes indeed..a very very good advice coming from a person who got fuel for free!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

78 cent boost for fuel

Today is the day that our prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will announce the new fuel price.
From 1.92 bucks per liter, it has now increased to 2.70 bucks!!
WTF!! Its almost 3 bucks!!
Expected to be effective in August this year, he said that this increment are only effected to a few. It means that those who have small salary are not subjected to the new price..but in my opinion..do they rely wanna do that? How are they gonna implement it? By sticking stickers on the car?
With the massive increase of fuel price, surely the price of other items will increase rapidly. The dominoes effect will surely take place sooner or later.
Owh..there is a huge storm outside...its raining heavily..its more like a sign to me...from morning till this afternoon the weather was perfect but then at 5pm it suddenly change.
The sky waz black as the night, the thunder roars fiercely...as if they were mad with the increase of fuel price..strangely enuff it happen at the time Pak Lah was about to announce the new fuel price..

cant wait to c the news 2nite...got to hear what the people will say bout this..and perhaps..some malaysiantoday news...or DR.M and Anwar blog..they surely have smthng 2say bout the fuel price...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Who Farted?

On my wat to work diz morning like always im listening to FlyFM pagi show n there is a segment call FlyFM's Alarm Call. Its a segment where listeners send a request to FlyFm to wake them up in the morning.
So diz morning, they called a girl to wake her up n the gurl wuz like soo excited saying she wuz suprised that they call her n then suddenly there a fart sound n the gurl spontaneously say sorry!
HAHAHHAHA...OMG..she farted on air!Hahaha..then Phat Fabes & Ben (FlyFM Dj's) ask her to make a shout out...
She juz hang up the fon..hahhaa..she muz be rely3 embarrassed...i think she kill herself after dat..muahhaaa..imagine u r on air and the whole world can hear u...n u farted!hehhehe...
Its a nice situation isnt it? farting on air!